
Management board

Lesia Vykhodtseva
Chairman of the Management board
Responsible for business operations with legal and individual entities, both residents and non-residents, in the areas of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing, management of the Bank's assets, investment services, the Bank's foreign representations, and marketing activities.
Belkisa Zoronjić
Member of the Management board
Responsible for risk management, information technology, card operations, general affairs, and procurement.
Vesna Kovačević
Member of the Management board
Responsible for finance, business support, and payment transactions.
Dmitriy Likhota
Member of the Management board
Nadležan za upravljanje sredstvima Banke i poslove investicionih usluga.
Oleksandr Kuperman
Member of the Management board
Nadležan za poslovanje sa pravnim i fizičkim licima - nerezidentima i prestavništva Banke u inostranstvu.

Supervisory Board:

Mladen Rabrenović
Chairman of the Supervisory board
Vadym Morokhovskyy
vice president
Volodymyr Kostelman
Vitalii Mygashko
independent member
Natalia Ninachuk
independent member