When opening a transaction account in our bank, you are given the opportunity to make national and international payment transactions in different currencies, as well as receive other available Bank services.
To open a transaction account, you have to fill out and submit the required documentation to any Zapad Banka branch in Montenegro or one of our representative offices abroad.
Thus, you will be able to simply and efficiently carry out payment transactions within the national and international payment systems in accordance with the legal regulation of Montenegro.
All types of cash flow and outflows from abroad, you can perform through a Thracian account the West Bank.
All types of money inflows and outflows from abroad can be conducted through a transaction account with Zapad Bank.
Banking instructions, necessary for money transfers, can be obtained when opening a transaction account or when the client requires them.
Funds from abroad are disbursed in the currency in which the money was sent, and clients can also opt for conversion into another currency.
A nostro transfer is a transfer through which the bank's clients make payments abroad, for various reasons. various reasons.
A loro transfer is a transfer from abroad in favor of the bank's clients, for various reasons. reasons.